

Fog-it Deodorising Machine QTFX-700

The Fog-It deodorising machines are designed to make short work of bad odours, germs and harmful bacteria. These machines are completely safe to use in either your car or your home and leave no undesirable effects after use. The fluids used with the machine will effectively remove bad odours and leave a pleasant fragrance in the vehicle.

There are currently 7 different scents available for use with the machine, all of which are available on this website. All currently known germs will be eliminated and it will attack and destroy bacteria on a molecular level too. The machine is supplied with a remote control to trigger the machine from outside of the vehicle, a mains lead and a set of instructions.

The deodorising fluids are very cost effective, each 500ml deodorising fluid will treat up to 20 vehicles giving you great value for money.

An example of bacteria this machine will eliminate that are commonly found in vehicles and homes.

  • MICROCOCCUS LUTEUS Common in the environment and normally found on skin and soil. Does not normally cause disease.
  • STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS Found on human skin and up the nose. Some strains can cause food poisoning or even major wound infections.
  • ESCHERICHIA COLI Unpleasantly, the presence of this in food and water is used as an indicator of faecal contamination.
  • BACILLUS MYCOIDES A very common variety of bacteria found in the environment in soil, water, boots and therefore footwells.
  • PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA Widely distributed in soil, water and plants. Can cause infections of the skin, external ear canal and eye.
  • CLOSTRIDIUM TETANI Inhabitants of soil. They can germinate in wounds and produce a powerful toxin that causes tetanus.
  • STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS Found in soil and the environment, the antibiotic streptomycin is obtained from members of the genus.
  • ASPERGILLUS SPP Fungi commonly found in nature. They are isolated from soil, plant debris and the indoor air environment.
  • CLADOSPORIUM SPP. Pigmented moulds widely distributed in air and frequently isolated as a contaminant on foods.
  • PENICILLIUM SPP Filamentous Fungi. They are widespread and are found in soil, decaying vegetation and the air.
  • BACILLUS CEREUS Commonly found in soil, can cause food poisoning or eye infections and infections of open wounds.