Ball Booster and Extractor
The extractor is mounted on the ball booster and connected to the hose of a vacuum cleaner using the adapter provided. The Ball Booster loosens the dirt and the extractor sucks up the dirt solution at the same time. The result is a perfectly clean and quick-drying surface.
The Extractor is the first cleaning gun that combines the unique tornado principle with the use of chemicals with the direct pulling in of the dirt solution in the vacuum cleaner. The outgoing air rotates and produces a rotation intersection, just like a tornado. This process leads to the effect that triggers the tornado principle. An effect that ensures that the dirt particles come off the surface to be worked in a powerful way. Afterwards dirt and chemicals are sucked in directly. A perfectly clean and fast drying surface is guaranteed.
- User does not inhale vapors from the chemicals
- quick-drying surface
- Better result than injection / extraction machines